So, starting off, my history with this game spans a few years now. Since 2018, I've been playing this game, and since 2019, I've been making content for this game. I've done NDA tests, joined their creator program, and have gotten some good relationships with members of the development team.
However, I have never been paid monetarily, directly by The Farm 51. So with that being said, all my opinions are of my own, and not biased towards World War 3. I just have a lot of history with this game and with the community it has helped build. World War 3 recently dropped a new game mode called Domination. Basically just a form of Team Deathmatch Domination, which includes 3 points on existing and newer Team Deathmatch maps.
Now the issues with this new game mode, are high on the list. Specifically the spawn zones. Most maps, have a good spawn, and a bad one. The good spawns give you multiple routes of access to the entire map and different areas for flanks. The bad ones do not, and basically funnel you for the enemy team to spawn camp you, which then in turns, makes people quit the game, when then makes the game totally uneven for the bad spawn team, and this isn't just one game out of many. It's basically every other game, even a few games in a row. Now, I also made a video, which you can watch right here: https://youtu.be/8z4m7jo1MCI, about how to specifically fix one map in particular, Berlin Backyards, but this approach can be used for pretty much every single map, including the new map Gobi. Also, the game is

technically in temporary form, which in my opinion, needs to become a permanent game mode to the library, or well lackluster choices of game modes, that World War 3 has to offer. More is better in this case.
Regardless, this game still needs updated servers, since players are still being connected to server regions nowhere close to them, European Union into Singapore servers, United States East to United Arab Emirates, and vice versa, etc. I hope this issues can be fixed by at least March, when Operation 2 drops, which includes the Japan update, as well as a brand new game mode, FUBAR, which is bascially Tactical Operations, or Tac Ops, but includes no Strikes of any kind. No vehicles, no radars, nothing! This was a longer post, but I hope you guys enjoyed it, and please, let me know your comments down below on what you think about the new mode Domination, and we can strike up conversations down there, and make sure you share this to anyone who you'd think would be interested.